Melanoma Research Foundation
Ocular Melanoma Community Driven Resources Curated for You!
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August is National Eye Exam Month!

Dear CURE OM Community,  

This month is #NationalEyeExamMonth, let's work together to keep eye health at the forefront of our conversation, talking about the importance of eye exams and don’t forget to use the hashtag #EyeGetDilated to spread the word!  

We hope you all have had a great summer. This summer has shown to be very busy for the CURE OM community- thank you to everyone who has engaged with us through participation on a CURE OM Miles for Melanoma 5k team, joined an OM support group, interacted with the VISION Platform and more! See below for upcoming events and updates.

My name is Ryann Daniels, and I am the MRF’s program coordinator for the CURE OM initiative. If you have questions about ocular melanoma (OM) or need assistance finding resources and support, please contact us at and be sure to engage with us on social media on Facebook and X. By building a community that offers support, resources, and opportunities for meaningful learning and connection we can foster a network of growth and engagement.    

Warm regards,
Ryann Daniels, MSSA, LISW


Get Involved with the CURE OM Initiative!

Make a Difference! We’re looking for dedicated and enthusiastic individuals to support the CURE OM initiative through a range of volunteer opportunities. 

Here’s how you can get involved: join the Eyes on a CURE: Patient and Caregiver Symposium Planning Committee, participate in the CURE OM Patient and Family Committee, engage in advocacy days, join a Miles for Melanoma CURE OM team or attend our galas in Denver or New York City 

Please take a few moments to fill out our brief survey below to express your interest and tell us a bit more about how you would like to get involved to meet the needs of the CURE OM community.  

We look forward to hearing from you and working together to make a lasting impact! 

Participate in the VISION Platform Today!


We invite you to check out the new look and feel of the VISION Platform! VISION Registry surveys have all been standardized so they are easier to complete, and they generate automated graphs for participants to see how their information contributes to the larger pool of the community’s data. Tools and resources that have been specifically developed and centralized for the global OM community have been updated and are now located in their own easily accessible sections making them easier to navigate and use. We are proud to say VISION continues to unite patients, advocates, researchers and industry from around the world to work as a team to find better treatments and a cure for OM! Please log back in, let us know how you are doing by completing the quality-of-life survey and updating your information. Thank you, and together we can help make a difference! 

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns using the button below: 


The CURE OM online support groups create a safe space to meet and share with other OM patients. To join a group or learn more, please contact 

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Join an Upcoming MILES FOR MELANOMA and support the OM Community!

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Our Cleveland Miles for Melanoma 5K was a huge success this past month! Together, we raised $155,957 for the melanoma community which was 130% of our original goal. A special thank you to team Cure Ocular Melanoma for raising over $1,300 in support of the OM community. If you are interested in creating your own OM team and joining an upcoming Miles for Melanoma 5K near you, click the button below!


Check out our upcoming events below: 

Philadelphia, PA on August 24th- Philadelphia Miles for Melanoma

New York City, NY on September 14th- New York Miles for Melanoma

Morristown, NJ on September 15th- New Jersey Miles for Melanoma

Seattle, WA on October 5th- Seattle Miles for Melanoma

Fundraising/Donor Corner

To continue propelling the growth of our groundbreaking VISION Platform, we are aiming to raise $50,000. This funding will allow us to continue collecting and analyzing vital data on OM, support ongoing research, recruit new patients and ultimately move closer to discovering more effective treatments and a cure. 

Make your gift by August 31 and 100% of your donation will go directly to OM research!

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Put the “Fun” in “FUNdraising” with CommUNITY Fundraising! CommUNITY Fundraising is the perfect way to combine your creativity and passion. YOU have creative control to bring your fundraiser to life and help work towards a world free of melanoma. Check out one of our CommUNITY Fundraisers, Your Next Step is the Cure 5k, below: 

In November 2017, Bernadette Boyle and Linda O’Brien, the race directors, held their first 5K at E.G. Simmons Park in Ruskin, FL. They continue holding events, adding on more registrants and increasing the dollars raised each year. To date they have raised over $80,000 and donated 100% of the money raised to CURE OM. Bernadette and Linda hope to bring awareness to this rare disease and remind everyone of the importance of an annual eye dilated exam. We thank them for their dedication!  

Your Next Step is the Cure will be hosting its seventh annual 5k on October 5 to bring awareness and raise funds for OM. For more information visit their website below:

Interested in hosting your own CommUNITY Fundraiser? Contact us at for more information. 

Read Harold's Inspiring OM Patient Story


Get to know Harold as he shares details of his diagnosis of choroidal melanoma and how he learned through his journey to stay positive and live life to the fullest. To read more about Harold's inspiring OM journey, click the button below:

National Make a Will Month!

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August is National Make-A-Will Month! This annual observance highlights the importance of creating a will and the legacy you can leave to benefit the OM community. The MRF recognizes that discussing wills can be challenging, but we also understand how essential they are for securing your wishes and protecting your loved ones.  

Including a legacy gift in your will allows you to support our efforts in educating, advocating and funding research for OM treatments, with the goal of finding a cure for this rare melanoma subtype. Additionally, crafting a will and estate plan helps you make important financial and healthcare decisions, ensuring you’re prepared for whatever the future may bring. Finally, having a will provides peace of mind by ensuring that your loved ones and pets are cared for and supported, no matter what happens. 

Upcoming Events

Patient and Caregiver Symposia 

  • Columbus, OH | September 14 

The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center 

We want to make you aware that the Melanoma Research Foundation holds patient symposia about melanoma around the country throughout the year. These symposia are largely focused on cutaneous melanoma but often do have information on ocular melanoma and are always an opportunity to meet other melanoma patients. Join us on September 14th at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Cancer from 8:30-3:00pm. Register for in-person or virtual attendance using the button below:


September 19 | Denver Gala 

October 24| New York Gala 


Save the Date! 

Save the Date - Eyes on a CURE: Ocular Melanoma Patient & Caregiver Symposium Spring 2025  

Save the Date - Advocacy Days Spring 2025

OM in the News

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