2024 Denver Miles for Melanoma

Panthers Walk With Mike

Miles for Melanoma is the way people come together to take action and help support this fight and the mission of the Melanoma Research Foundation.  

During the past four years, Mike has embraced the realities of metastatic melanoma.  From brain surgery to Angel Flights to Hospice Care to life without treatment, he has met each challenge and each success with perseverance and commitment to living his life to the fullest.

This is our 2nd year walking in Denver.  Mike is training everyday to be able to join us.  With your love and support, we know he'll complete the walk again this year, with Team Panthers Walk With Mike by his side.

Every step matters and every step counts. Significant advancement has been made in the past few years in improved detection, new drug treatments and better survival rates. This progress has been built on the breakthroughs made fighting other types of cancers, as well as the existing foundation of melanoma research.

There is more to be done and a long way to go, but the finish line is in sight. The energy, enthusiasm and encouragement from patients, survivors, families, friends, caregivers, and the medical community impacts many lives and many futures.

  Raising awareness of melanoma has been a mission that we've taken on as a family.  We embrace every opportunity to share Mike's success story and encourage you to help us raise funds for melanoma research so that more families have stories like ours.  Our team's goal is to raise $5,000 and we have secured a dollar-for-dollar match up to $5,000!  We encourage you to donate to help families like ours have more days, weeks, months and years with our loved ones.  Invite family and friends, co-workers and employers to donate to our team.  We encourage you to join our team and Walk With Mike on June 8.

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